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The JVM ecosystem provides many languages (Java, Scala, Groovy, Kotlin, …) and build tools (Maven, Gradle, sbt, …).

The javac compiler generates reproducible bytecode .class output as do most language-specific compilers, but JVM packaging (in .jar files) is not reproducible-friendly – particularly timestamp of files in the archive –, each build tool requires some work mostly at packaging step to provide Reproducible Builds.

Reproducible Central

Whatever the build tool is, binary JVM artifacts are generally published in artifact repositories that use the Maven2 repository format (using groupId/artifactId/version coordinates) like Maven Central or Google’s Android Repository.

Reproducible Central is an effort to rebuild public releases published to Maven Central and check that Reproducible Build can be achieved.

Contributions are welcome to write additional .buildspec file that will be used to rebuild the release and compare against binaries available in Maven Central.

Configuring Build Tools for Reproducible Builds


Getting reproducible builds with Maven requires some plugins configuration: see Maven - Guide to Configuring for Reproducible Builds for more details.


Gradle supports reproducible archives as of v3.4.

Tasks which generate archives, such as ZIPs or JARs, can enforce preserved file timestamps and reproducible file order which fix two of the main sources of non-determinism in JVM artifacts.


When using sbt, a build tool popular with Scala projects, you can use the sbt-reproducible-builds plugin to strip your artifacts and share buildinfo information.

.buildinfo file

JVM .buildinfo file format is a format drafted in 2018 when working initially on Reproducible Builds for the JVM, to try to record full build info data, from source and environment used to rebuild to output result: its intent was to easily compare 2 builds run by independant people.

After 3 years of work on Reproducible Builds, it has been found more useful as an internal file format: Reproducible Central and its .buildspec format is more what we need to check that Reproducible Builds results has been achieved. .buildinfo just records a build, be it reproducible or not.

In the future, we’ll probably define a rebuild attestation specification that will better serve the purpose.

buildinfo details (deprecated)

Buildinfo file format version 1.0-SNAPSHOT is kept here for reference on past work. It uses Java properties format:

#### Deprecated ####
name=<name of the artifact>
group-id=<groupId coordinates in repository>
artifact-id=<artifactId coordinates in repository>
version=<version coordinates in repository>

# source information for rebuilders, as source tarball artifact in repository and/or url and/or scm coordinates
source.url=<url where to download official source tarball>
source.scm.uri=<source control uri, typically corresponding to the project.scm.developerConnection or project.scm.connection in the pom.xml>
source.scm.tag=<source control tag as in pom.xml>

# build instructions
build.setup=<optional url of documentation explaining specific additional setup when necessary: will be enhanced in a future buildinfo format version>

# effective recorded build environment information
java.version=<Java version taken from "java.version" system property>
java.vendor=<Java vendor taken from "java.vendor" system property><Operating System name taken from "" system property>
source.used=<artifact|url|scm, depending on which has been used for the build>

# Each build tool or plugin is free to add additional entries to the buildinfo,
# both for build instructions and effective recorded build environment.
# For example, the sbt plugin may add the following for Scala:
sbt.version=1.2.3 scala.version=2.12.6

# and Maven could add data on rebuild instructions and effective recorded environment:
mvn.rebuild-args=-Dmaven.test.skip package<groupId>:<artifactId>:<version>
mvn.version=Apache Maven 3.6.3 (cecedd343002696d0abb50b32b541b8a6ba2883f)
mvn.minimum.version=<minimum Maven version to rebuild if known>

# A buildinfo file can contain checksums for multiple output files, for
# example for the main jar and the accompanying pom.xml (when generated):
outputs.0.filename=<file name in the repository, ${artifactId}-${version}[-${classifier}].${extension}>
outputs.0.length=<file size>
outputs.0.checksums.sha512=<sha512 lowercase>
outputs.1.filename=<file name in the repository>
outputs.1.length=<file size>
outputs.1.checksums.sha512=<sha512 lowercase>

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